Frequently Asked Questions

What is your refund policy if my order is damaged in the mail?

All sales are final unless loss or damage occurs. We insure each package based on the cost of goods for everyone’s peace of mind.

When can I expect to receive my order?

In most cases we will be shipping to the nearest mailing facility for you to pick up. We prefer this shipping method to ensure that the artwork is handled as carefully as possible and that the shipping process is handled properly. You can expect the notification to pick up your package within 7-10 business days unless otherwise noted.

Which company/companies do you use to ship packages?

I will not be using a standard commercial shipping company such as UPS or FedEx - instead I will use a professional shipping service that is more trained in the shipment of artwork.

Where do you ship? Do you ship to all 50 states? Do you ship internationally?

I ship worldwide.  Please note that while I cover the shipping cost for domestic shipments, a percentage of international shipping costs will have to be covered by the client.

Where are you located?

Los Angeles, CA